“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.” -Peter Drucker
I love Drucker, but I’m actually a little torn about this quote. I agree with the pragmatism, but don’t fully like how this could be taken. Character is critical, and I could see someone taking it in what I would think is “the wrong way” which would be “results are all that matter, no matter what kind of person you are”. I take his quote as “being nice or popular won’t get you the gold. Only your performance can do that. Your results speak for themselves”, which I can agree with. The character is critical though. Here’s the thing, if you aren’t producing, the question has to be asked, “what’s missing?” if someone is so great in character.
I was listening to a Robert Kiyosaki talk and he had a quote which was “Make an effort, not an excuse”, which I kinda feel ties into this.
This week, let’s take a good look at ourselves as leaders. What results are you expecting or are expected of you? How’s that going? Let’s make an effort and choose to call excuses for what they are.
Here’s to adapting, adjusting and crushing it. Thoughts? Questions? You know what to do
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